Saud Haseeb – McMaster IHM

Saud Haseeb

Saud Haseeb

Website and Design Coordinator

Program: Honours Health Sciences Level I

As a student from Belleville, Ontario, a city neighbouring the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Indigenous culture had always been a part of my everyday life. I was therefore exposed to the various issues faced by the Indigenous people in my school and in my community. Admittedly, I was still very much unaware of how prevalent these issues were within Canadian society, and did little to get involved.

For this reason, I decided to join the McMaster’s Indigenous Health Movement, to help address issues faced by Canada’s Indigenous people in an industry that affects almost every aspect of society – healthcare. Through this initiative, I hope to become a part of a movement that sheds light upon the countless inequalities present in our own healthcare system.

The Indigenous Health Movement has also allowed me to be surrounded by some amazing people – students at McMaster who are passionate about Indigenous healthcare, professors and activists who have made an impact on a national scale, and members of our own community who are living this reality every single day. I hope to learn everything that I can from these inspiring individuals, and work with them to organize an amazing conference!