Amber Skye

Amber Skye

Workshop Facilitator

Amber is a Kanienkehaka from Six Nations and mother of five children. Amber has an MPH and is a Public Health Doctoral Candidate at the University School of Public Health. Amber’s research focuses on establishing the linkages between culture-based practices to improve health services and health among the Hodinohshoni and developing health services that integrates the use of Indigenous knowledge and health practices. Specifically, Amber’s work focuses on women’s maternal health as it is vitally linked to the health and well-being of Indigenous communities.

WORKSHOP TITLE : From the Beginning: Hodinohshoni Women and the Health of our Nations

DESCRIPTION : Women’s health is intricately tied to the health of the community. Most evidenced is the interplay between maternal health and child health, however women’s health at all stages of the life course is critical to the health of the future generations. Indeed, the poor health status of Indigenous communities can be understood as a result of the poor health status and marginalization of Indigenous women. From the beginning of time Hodinohshoni women nurtured the health and well-being of the people. This workshop will examine the foundations of Hodinohshoni health and well-being and examine the powerful roles of women throughout the life course, highlighting the critical periods of puberty and motherhood. This examination will illustrate the role of Indigenous women in the promotion of Indigenous health and well-being and identify methods for restoring Indigenous women`s roles and integrating Hodinohshoni knowledge and practice in health service delivery.