Brittany Madigan

Brittany Madigan

Workshop Facilitator

Brittany Madigan identifies as Mohawk of Kahnawake and Canadian. She has a Master of Social Work, Bachelor of Social Work, and Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from McMaster University. Brittany has 4 years of experience working with Indigenous children and youth in the child welfare system. She has also worked in residential and case management positions with people experiencing homelessness, people with developmental disabilities, and youth mentorship programs.

Brittany is currently a Child and Youth Mental Health Counsellor and Registered Social Worker at De dwa da dehs nye>s Aboriginal Health Centre. She lives in Hamilton with her husband and is a mother to two dogs and a horse. In her spare time she enjoys horseback riding, fitness, reading , and spending time with loved ones.

WORKSHOP TITLE : Two-Eyed Seeing: Trauma Responses with Indigenous Youth

DESCRIPTION : This presentation explores how we bridge mainstream and Indigenous frameworks in individual counseling with Indigenous children and youth. After sharing our training and scope of practice we will discuss children and youth as sacred beings, how wellness and trauma are experienced in the context of the medicine wheel, and how two-eyed seeing is practiced in our work. We connect our practice with the TRC and end with recommendations for future growth in the field of child and youth mental health.